Launch Internship Application

Your responses are confidential and details will not be divulged to any person outside of the BBC Staff & Board members without authority.

Personal Details

Applying for the Launch Intern Program

Pastoral Care & Support

We are committed to pastorally caring for you to the best of our ability.

Tip: e.g. Epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, depression, anxiety disorder, etc.

Tip: These answers do not affect your application to the Launch Gap Year program - but they will help us to support your experience of the study and reading components of the program.

Christian Life & Background

Serving & Church Life

Tip: Tick as many as you'd like to consider - you won't necessarily have to do them all! And please tick areas that you don't know how to do yet - You will be trained & supported in any areas that you serve in!

BBC Membership

Formal membership is not a requirement to participate in the Launch Internship.

However, please note that you may wish to serve in a teaching or leadership area that does require membership, these roles include: Pod leading, Youth DGs leading, Kids Church teaching, Connect Group teaching, MAG team (Taken from BBC Membership Policy 23/8/2020)

As part of the program, all Launch students will participate in the BBC membership course. This will help you gain a better understanding of how BBC operates. But it will be your decision to apply for Membership or not after completing the course.

Program Elements

Weekly Commitments During State School Terms

Tip: Select all that you anticipate you'd possibly be available to commit to (you would only participate in one mentor session per week)

Your Launch Mentor

Launch Gap Year Students typically meet up with a mentor for 1hr weekly during state school term time for Bible reading, prayer and a general catch up / check in.

Launch Mentors are BBC Members who are passionate about Jesus and His church, and live a demonstated maturity in character, conviction and competency in their walk with Jesus. They also meet all BBC Safe Church requirements of a leader. 

As part of your application and onboarding process we'll line you up with a mentor in consultation with you and your parent(s)/carer(s).

Tip: If you do, we'll work with you and them to ascertain if they will be a suitable fit. And don't worry if you haven't got someone in mind - we'll help connect you with one!

Extra / Once-off Opportunities

Tip: We would encourage you to be involved in at least 2 or 3 of these over the course of the year

What Next?

Tip: Please select 'Yes' if you're happy for BBC to use photo or video footage in promotional material. i.e. On our website, social media or in printed media - this helps us get the message out there!

Download Application for Safe Church Leadership form here

Please print, complete and return to Paul Colyer (BBC's Safe Church Officer). You could also scan and email to Paul -